Hi everyone. I received this blog award from Friday. She was sweet enough to bestow this award to me. Thanks Friday! Please visit her blog and her YouTube Channel Tfriday77.
Here are the rules for receiving the award:
* Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
* Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
* Link the nominees within your post.
* Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
There are so many blogs that I would love to give this award to, too many to nominate. Please feel free to share this award and continue the blog love =)
Here is another award received:

This one I received from the very talented Leslie. Please visit her blog and her YouTube Channel: ScrapsOfMine.
Here are the rules to accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Copy the award and paste it on your blog
3. Link to the person who nominated you for the award
4. List 10 interesting things about yourself
5. Nominate 10 other Beautiful Bloggers
Ten "Interesting" things about me!
1. I dated my husband for a little over 11yrs before we got married =)
2. I still catch myself referring to my husband as my "boyfriend", old habits die hard.
3. I love watching Anime (Japanese Cartoons)
4. Besides scrapbooking, I make jewelry.
5. Thanksgiving Dinner is my favorite meal of all time.
6. I like to play computer games (Sims3)
7. I love old classic musical movies: Calamity Jane, Meet Me in St. Louis
8. I didn't get my driver's license 'til I was 24yrs old.
9. I read romance novels, not the ones at the grocery stores, I actually go to the book store =)
10. When no one's watching, I secretly....wouldn't you like to know =)
Again too many blogs to list, please pass this one to who you think deserves this award.
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